Interaction Design Experiments

About the Project

This is a personal project created to explore mobile interactivity. It was a done as an experiment to try and imitate real life gestures to design intuitive interactions.

Payment Card Interactions

Card Payment I

This interaction is inspired by the new card tap mechanism by VISA, which enables the buyer to pay under a particular amount by simply tapping their card on the POS device.

Card Payment II

This interaction was inspired by a more traditional POS device, where the card is inserted into the machine in order to proceed with the payment.

Scan & Pay + Add New Card

This interaction shows a simple scanning payment method. Along with this it also shows how to add a new card that resembles your real life cash card.

Card Details

This interaction is about seeing the details of an added card merely with the help of swipe gestures. The interactions simplify the showcasing of content and editing content within a small space such as our phones.

Parallax Interactions

Parallax Experiment 1

This was an aesthetic exploration of how parallax could be used to design likeable and engaging interfaces.

Parallax Experiment 2

This was a very experimental approach to see how we perceive upwards / downwards motion while interacting with an interface. It was created with the help of the parallax effect in Adobe XD.

Light and Dark Switch

App With Light Switch

Often times we prefer to turn off the lights in our room, to simply relax. However, many applications - either hide away their lighting modes in the application settings or don't have it, at all. This was an experiment to see how a light switch at your nearest disposal changes the user experience.

Improvement or distraction?

I wanted to specifically design this experiment for a content / information heavy application  that people would use on a daily basis, like - a schedule / reminder application. Question: does light switches really help an application?

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